NorthPine: Upper Midwest Broadcasting

FCC Monitor: Green Bay TV Frequency Change Advances

The following are updates to stories previously reported here and smaller recent FCC filings and actions that do not merit a full story of their own at this time:


The FCC approved the transfer of Alpha Media’s license to the company as a debtor in possession as part of a reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.


St. Mary Radio’s KHFR-LP/103.5 (Fairfield) was granted a construction permit to move from a site southeast of town to one in the center of town, remaining 100 Watts.

The FCC has proposed a $1,500 fine against the Clinton Educational Association, licensee of KXJX-LP/92.5 (Clinton), for filing a late license renewal application. The application was supposed to have been filed by Oct. 1 but was not filed until Dec. 28, and remains pending. The licensee has 30 days to either pay the fine or seek a reduction or cancellation.


Landover 2 LLC and Spectrum Evolution requested an extension of the construction permits for K36MF-D Albany, K33MH-D Albany, K32LB-D Albert Lea, K35LK-D Ashby, K31MH-D Barnesville, K36MW-D Dakota, K33MM-D Hewitt, K34MP-D Oakland, K41MP-D Rochester, K33MW-D Sherburn, K27KL-D St. Charles, K29JH-D St. Charles, K19IT-D St. Charles, K31KX-D St. Charles, K25LC-D Winona, and K24JA-D Winona. The permittees cite a provision in an FCC public notice that allows low-power TV permittees to seek a one-time extension due to an unforeseeable circumstance such as the COVID-19 pandemic. They propose extensions to Jan. 13, 2022.

Minnesota/South Dakota

Prairie Winds Broadcasting applied to move the transmitter of K233DL/94.5 (Ortonville) to Milbank, S.D. It would remain licensed to Ortonville, though its main coverage area would be in the Milbank area. K233DL signed on last summer and is required to relay KDIO/1350 (Ortonville) in perpetuity as a result of being granted during the AM revitalization window. The new facility would be at the site of KMSD/1510, which currently hosts two other FM translator licenses that are in the process of being moved to a tower near South Shore; the construction permit to move K236CU/95.1 (Milbank) was granted this week.

North Dakota

The FCC approved the previously-reported application to move future translator K222DF/92.3 (Dilworth, MN) closer to the core of Fargo-Moorhead.

Landover 2 LLC requested an extension of the construction permits for K36LN-D Argusville, K31LR-D Belfield, K36MX-D Bismarck, K32LE-D Bismarck, NEW Grafton, K32KI-D Grand Forks, K35KR-D Hatton, K33LM-D Hebron, K34LV-D Horace, K31MI-D Jamestown, K32KW-D Minot, K33MQ-D Minot, K36LL-D New Salem, K34LU-D Sentinel Butte, K33LK-D Steele, K36LK-D Tappen, K34MV-D Valley City, K33MY-D Williston, and K36MQ-D Williston. Landover 2 cites a provision in an FCC public notice that allows low-power TV permittees to seek a one-time extension due to an unforeseeable circumstance such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It proposes extensions to Jan. 13, 2022.

South Dakota

Landover 2 LLC requested an extension of the construction permits for K34MB-D Deadwood, K33LS-D Elk Point, K35KT-D Elk Point, K33NF-D Humboldt, K35LZ-D Humboldt, NEW Kadoka, K30NR-D Kadoka, K35LY-D Kadoka, K33NI-D Kimball, K34MW-D Kimball, K35MB-D Kimball, K32LK-D Murdo, K33NE-D Philip, K36NC-D Reliance, K30NU-D Reliance, K30NS-D Spencer, K32KJ-D Summit, K35KS-D Summit, and K33LR-D Wentworth. Landover 2 cites a provision in an FCC public notice that allows low-power TV permittees to seek a one-time extension due to an unforeseeable circumstance such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It proposes extensions to Jan. 13, 2022.


The FCC issued a notice of proposed rulemaking for Sinclair Broadcast Group’s application to move WLUK/11.1 (Green Bay) to a UHF frequency. WLUK currently transmits on RF channel 12, making it the only TV station on a VHF frequency in the market, and is seeing a move to RF channel 18. It has cited difficulty with VHF High signals penetrating buildings and problems with indoor antennas receiving VHF, as well as a desire to have a frequency with a shorter wavelength to reach mobile devices after the future switch to ATSC 3.0.

The FCC has proposed a $1,500 fine against the Carroll University, licensee of WCCX/104.5 (Waukesha), for filing a late license renewal application. The application was supposed to have been filed by Aug. 3 but was not filed until Nov. 12, and remains pending. The licensee has 30 days to either pay the fine or seek a reduction or cancellation.

Spectrum Evolution requested an extension of the construction permits for W46EQ-D Augusta, W30EN-D Eau Claire, W19DJ-D Eau Claire, W31DN-D Eau Claire, W29DQ-D Eau Claire, W21DC-D Galesville, W22DT-D Galesville, W28DT-D Galesville, W32DW-D La Crosse, W34EB-D La Crosse, W46EP-D La Crosse, and W45DM-D La Crosse. Spectrum Evolution cites a provision in an FCC public notice that allows low-power TV permittees to seek a one-time extension due to an unforeseeable circumstance such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It proposes extensions to Jan. 13, 2022.

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