NorthPine: Upper Midwest Broadcasting

FM Applications: Christian Broadcasters Seek Expansions

Nearly every existing Christian broadcaster in the Upper Midwest sought to expand its coverage in the Nov. 2-9 FCC filing window for new non-commercial stations.

So many applications were filed that most of the applications listed below are in competition with other applications. The FCC is expected to formally release a list of mutually-exclusive groups on Nov. 29 or later, but REC Networks has created its own lists of potentially competing proposals.

The University of Northwestern-St. Paul applied for new stations on 88.3 Grand Rapids, MN, and 91.9 Ashland, WI, potentially replacing Northwestern translators that currently operate on those frequencies.

The Salvation Poem Foundation applied for 88.1 Grand Meadow, MN; 88.5 Cedar Grove, WI; 91.5 Melrose, WI; and 90.5 Westfield, WI. The group has four stations carrying the “Prayz Network” in western Wisconsin and won two northern Wisconsin frequencies in the recent FCC auction.

The Educational Media Foundation, operator of the national “K-Love” and “Air1” networks, applied for 89.7 Huron, SD; 88.7 Yankton, SD; and 88.3 Fond du Lac, WI.

Milwaukee-based VCY America applied for new stations on 90.1 Sherburn, MN, and 90.1 Mineral Point, WI.

WRVM, Inc. applied for 88.3 Waupun, WI. Suring-based WRVM has numerous full-power stations and translators in Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Gospel Opportunities, which operates a network based at WHWL/95.7 (Marquette), applied for 89.3 Ironwood, 88.9 L’Anse, and 88.5 Rockland. The network currently has three full-power stations and ten translators across the Upper Peninsula and has pledged to divest existing translators that would duplicate service if the Ironwood and/or Rockland stations are approved.

West-Central Michigan Media Ministries applied for 88.9 Houghton, 90.3 Manistique, and 89.1 Norway, as well as stations in the lower peninsula. The applicant has eight existing stations in Michigan, including two in the Upper Peninsula.

St. Gabriel Communications applied for new stations on 88.7 Albia, IA; 88.7 Carroll, IA; 89.9 Mason City, IA; 89.9 Spencer, IA; and 91.5 Stanley, WI. The applicant operates the Iowa Catholic Radio stations in the Des Moines area

Iowa’s Sound in Spirit Broadcasting, which owns “Lift FM” stations in Keokuk and Ottumwa, applied for 88.1 Burlington.

Minn-Iowa Christian Broadcasting applied for stations on 88.7 Eagle Grove, IA; 90.5 Hampton, IA; 89.7 Osage, IA; 89.1 Delhi, MN; 88.1 Hayfield, MN; 89.5 Hutchinson, MN; 88.7 Mapleton, MN; 88.1 Marshall, MN; and 89.1 Winnebago, MN. Minn-Iowa owns eight full-power stations in north-central Iowa and south-central Minnesota.

Minnesota’s We Have This Hope Christian Radio applied for 89.9 Aitkin, 90.9 Alexandria, 89.5 Brownton, 88.3 Crookston, 88.3 Fairmont, 88.3 Fergus Falls, 88.1 Grand Rapids, 88.3 Thief River Falls, and 90.1 Windom. The applicant has four existing full-power stations in northern Minnesota.

The Praise Network applied for stations on 89.5 Burwell, NE; 91.1 McCook, NE; 88.9 Gregory, SD; 89.3 Miller, SD; and 91.9 Yankton, SD; as well as stations in Colorado and Kansas. The Praise Network has nine existing full-power stations in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

Hi-Line Radio Fellowship applied for 89.1 Dickinson, ND, as well as stations in Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. Hi-Line’s “Your Network of Praise” has 31 full-power stations in Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Nebraska’s My Bridge Radio applied for 89.5 Crete, 88.7 Columbus, 91.3 Lexington, 89.7 McCook, 90.1 Norfolk, 88.5 North Platte, 91.9 O’Neill, 89.9 Schuyler, and 90.1 Scottsbluff. My Bridge owns nine existing full-power stations in Nebraska.

Nebraska’s VSS Catholic Communications applied for 91.5 O’Neill, 90.5 Ogallala, 88.1 Sargent, and 91.9 Valentine. VSS owns five existing full-power stations in Nebraska.

Bible Broadcasting Network, which owns dozens of stations nationwide, applied for 89.5 Kearney, NE; 90.1 Scottsbluff, NE; and 88.3 Grand Forks, ND, among other locations.

Radio 74 Internationale , which owns dozens of stations nationwide, applied for 90.3 Alliance, NE, as well as several stations in other parts of the country.

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