NorthPine: Upper Midwest Broadcasting

Pierre TV Station Listings

Note: This area receives Sioux Falls TV stations on cable and satellite.

4.1KPRY-TVABC (KSFY)Pierre(19)Gray TV
6.1KPLO-TVCBS (KELO-TV)Reliance(13)Nexstar
6.2KPLO-TV2My (KELO-TV2)Reliance(13)Nexstar
6.4KPLO-TV4CW+ (KELO-TV4)Reliance(13)Nexstar
10.2KTSD-TV2World ChannelPierre(10)SDPB
10.4KTSD-TV4PBS KidsPierre(10)SDPB
13.1KSFY-TVtABCPierre(14) Gray TV
13.2KSFY-TV2tOutlawPierre(14) Gray TV
13.3KSFY-TV3tMeTVPierre(14) Gray TV
13.4KSFY-TV4tTrueCrimePierre(14) Gray TV
13.5KSFY-TV5tStart TVPierre(14) Gray TV
13.6KSFY-TV6tMeTV ToonsPierre(14) Gray TV
46.1KPRY-TV2NBC (KDLT)Pierre(19)Gray TV
46.2KPRY-TV3FOX (KDLT)Pierre(19)Gray TV
46.3KDLT-TV3tThe365Pierre(27) Gray TV
46.4KDLT-TV4tCoziPierre(27) Gray TV
46.5KDLT-TV5tCourt TVPierre(27) Gray TV
46.6KDLT-TV6tION MysteryPierre(27) Gray TV

Notes: (33) indicates the DTV broadcast channel. A lowercase “t” following the callsign indicates that the station is relayed via a translator, which is displayed in a reduced font size due to its lower power.

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