Even if it’s cloudy on Monday, April 8, people will have a chance to “hear” the solar eclipse on AM radio.
Category: Featured stories
Gray TV Solidifies Upper Midwest Big 4 Ownership Lead
Gray TV now reaches more than half of the households in the Upper Midwest following its purchase of Quincy Media stations.
Surprise Aircheck Gift from Grandma Found Decades Later
A forgotten cassette contained a surprise: a recording recounting the challenging early years of a northwestern Wisconsin public radio station.
Tropo and E-skip Bring Distant FM Signals All Summer Long
This is the time of year when distant signals start to fill up the FM dial. Most of these distant signals are brought in by troposphere-enhanced reception, but some are caused by E-skip. What’s the difference?
Living History: Long-Distance Signals from ‘Golden Age of Radio’ Still On Air
The longer nights of fall and winter bring more opportunity to listen for the old signals that once carried Jack Benny and Dragnet.
Why Canadian TV is Fascinating
The influence of American programming is the dominant force in Canada, with U.S. shows filling prime time and affiliates from south of the border imported on cable.